People all around the world are going to celebrate on the 25th of December one of the most important celebration along the year - the Christmas.
For children is a new opportunity for receiving gifts and sweets. In that wonderful night of Christmas, they are waiting for Santa Claus to put a present for them under the Christmas-tree.
On the other hand, Christmas has also a religious meaning. It is the date when Issus Christos born.
For this celebration are cooked different tipes of food and desserts. For exemple, here is a recipe for gingerbread:(in romanian)
-3 oua
-100g zahar
-300g faina
-300g miere
-150g nuci
-o lingurita de scortisoara
-un varf de cutit de bicarbonat
Se amesteca galbenusurile cu zaharul si se adauga putin cate putin faina. Se amesteca bine, apoi se adauga mierea, albusurile batute spuma, bicarbonatul, scortisoara si cateva nuci sfarmitate, dupa gust.
Compozitia se toarna intr-o tava unsa cu ulei si se baga in cuptor timp de o jumatate de ora la foc potrivit (cuptorul preferabil preincalzit).
Apoi se scoate din cuptor compozitia si se lasa sa se raceasca dupa care se taie in formele dorite.
If you have questions about, feel free to ask.
RăspundețiȘtergereasdfgh <3
I LOVEEEE the drawings!!!!!